Latest Past Events

ES core level 2 面授課堂 30Sep-1Oct2023

ESwork88 Coach SPK

每課最多4人(海外同學除外),有意參與當天課,請提供以下資料, 以及註明訂單號,以便核對確認, 謝 A maximum of 4 people per class (except overseas students), if you are interested in participating in the class on the day, please provide the following information,…

ES Core level 1 面授課堂 2-3Sep 2023

ESwork88 Coach SPK

每課最多4人(海外同學除外),有意參與當天課,請提供以下資料, 以及註明訂單號,以便核對確認, 謝 A maximum of 4 people per class (except overseas students), if you are interested in participating in the class on the day, please provide the following information,…